This sound menu displays all of the weapon sounds and various other sounds in the game. Present in the original Planet Hot Wheels version (not the newer Highway 35 version) is a sound test menu accessible by altering the config file to boot the game in startstate 6. Will display "Can't open igsounds.tag" if not found. 6ː Opens sound test menu (startstate 6 in config.txt).Exception is recorded in highwa圓5\sledhw35\logfile.txt. Will display "Dirstack Overflow" when attempting to start up. 4ː Attempts to open a menu for emulator tests or collision tests (startstate 4 in config.txt).Will display "Can't open tokfile mainres.txt" if main menu is missing. 3ː Opens the main menu (startstate 3 in config.txt).D: Depending of the number of times pressed, shows what file is loading, an unknown value or the player's coordinates.Pressing again locks the camera in position. Use numpad 4 and 6 to select an option, numpad 2 and 8 to change the values, and numpad 5 to clear value. In both versions, some debug keys are enabled by default. Instead, they are called by their file names.ĭiscuss ideas and findings on the talk page. The real names of the Carena version's tracks are unused in both versions. 2pl_tcanynbadreset: An old version of the Canyon track.Strangely, it's included in some versions, whereas it's missing in others. stackoval: Only referenced in the game's files, no data exists.newlevels4b\hw4p02: A combat arena called "Hindu", no data exists.

It was temporarily replaced with Ship, although it appears in the select tracks box. According to the developers' comments, it was removed because it was buggy. 4pl_tgrn: Referenced in the game's files as a secret track.The game's files says "it doesn't work anymore". constructor: Probably a track builder.Choosing and loading a missing track will crash the game! Depending on the game revision (see below), some tracks are missing, even though some appear in the main menu.